Free Bridge Promenade
This project provides a new half-mile riverside linear park (Free Bridge Promenade) between Darden Towe Park and Free Bridge, providing a unique opportunity to further enhance the river corridor while improving upon the bicycle/pedestrian connectivity in the area. Little-trafficked Free Bridge Lane has been closed to vehicles and reimagined as a “green street” that creates a protected space for unstructured recreation in a natural environment. It also integrates elements of stormwater management to reduce runoff.
Project scope: Gates have been installed on Free Bridge Lane to eliminate through traffic. Next steps are to add parking and signage, and additional amenities such as benches and and temporary activity zones. Additionally, safety improvements are needed at the adjoining underpass at Free Bridge, which connects the Promenade with Old Mill Trail.
Benefits: Allows free-flow activities that are not possible elsewhere like roller skating or teaching kids to ride bikes. The Promenade also has the capacity to host small events and community gatherings.
Costs: Completion of initial projects are estimated at approximately $150,000. These include:
​Park benches and picnic tables (which can be commemorative)
Widening of the trail that runs beneath Free Bridge (the bridge that Route 250 uses to cross the Rivanna River) so that foot and pedal traffic can freely flow in both directions
Bike repair stations
Bike racks
Interpretative signage